Our Training Methods
Fear has no home here!
Reward based training methods.
Dog training is a very unregulated industry. That means anybody, at any time, can call themselves a dog trainer and sell their “services” utilizing questionable and sometimes inhumane methods.
We believe dogs deserve more than that.
We believe YOU deserve more than that.
At Where Sit Happens, we utilize only veterinary professional recommended force free methods to teach your dog what he’s doing right instead of punishing what he is doing wrong. This is known as positive reinforcement (R+) and is proven to create well mannered, confident, well-adjusted dogs that retain behavior because they want to and have experienced actual behavior change… not because they are being emotionally supressed or are of afraid of discomfort or pain.

Positive Reinforcement is proven to work for…

Your puppy is ALWAYS learning. Creating positive experiences at this age will pay off big time down the road!

Adult Dogs
You heard it here – you absolutely can teach old dogs new tricks… and they can do them well! Age is just a number!

Other Animals
R+ training has successfully been applied to horses, dolphins, goldfish, lions and countless other species.

Yep. It works on humans, too. Any species can learn in a compassionate way (and it’s usually way more fun than punishment).
Good Training Takes Teamwork
From the day you bring them home, you and your dog are a team. Positive reinforcement based, force free training creates a beautiful partnership to last throughout their lives.
As your dog begins to understand how to make better choices, you will simultaneously grow confident in your ability to communicate with and understand him.
As you continue to work together and build a reinforcement history, you’ll be more connected than ever before AND have the dog of your dreams.
Our favorite part about this methodology of training is the loose, wagging tails and enthusiasm you see in every training session!

Training Philosophy
It is our goal to…
Create dogs that love life and their people.
Create dogs that are confident enough to try new things, goofy enough to make you laugh, and are happy and eager to learn.
Allow dogs to be dogs and do doggy things while teaching them how to stay safe and understand their people’s expectations in this crazy, human world.
Keep pet parents involved in every step of the process. You will be the person spending 10+ years with with your pup. Understanding their needs, behavior and how to communicate with them will lead to a relationship based on confidence, love and understanding – never force or fear.
It is NOT our goal to…
Hand over a remote at the end of a training program.
Create dogs that are shut down, displaying clear stress signals, or are at risk of further emotional fall out down the road.

Ready to make a change?
We've got your tail. Create an account, tell us how we can help and we will get you and your dog on the path to success!